Slovenská Ľupča
976 13

ELEKTRO RECYCLING, Ltd. was established in 2002 and from its beginning is dealing with recycling of waste from electric and electronic equipments (WEEE). It includes not only processing but also accredited collection of WEEE and transportationin whole region of Slovakia.
On the basis of the EU Directive No. 2002/96/EC implementation to Slovak legislation the company has built up and put into operation the plant for processing and recovery of all electrical and electronical waste with the exception of cooling systems and fluorescent lamps in 2004. The plant is one of the most modern and the first of its kind in Eastern Europe. The capacity is 14000 t. per annum.
The technology plant is in compliance with all the strict criteria of the European Union which except of all others defined processing conditions and the minimum limits of recycling, recovery and re-use of raw-materials.
In order to offer complex services in the management of WEEE and cover all categories of waste our company has expanded its activities to processing and recovery of electrical and electronical waste containing of hazardous substances. In 2006 we built up and put into operation the new technological plant for processing and recovery of fridges and refrigerants, cooling and air-conditioning systems and technological plant for recovery of mercury containing luminous sources. The capacity of fridge recycling plant is 120000 pieces per annum and for plant for recovery of discharge and fluorescent lamps is 4 million pieces per annum.
Building and implementation of all mentioned technologies create the basis for meeting the producer´s and importer´s obligations (resulting of legislation EU and its implementation to legislation of the Slovak Republic) in the collection and complete recovery of WEEE. Slovak republic has become the first country from new members of EU which has been able to fulfill all criteria specified by European legislation and to process all categories of WEEE at one place.